How do I build a basic GUI application in Python

Here’s an example of how to build a basic GUI application in Python using the Tkinter library:


This code creates a simple GUI application that has a label and a button. The label displays a welcome message, and the button displays the text “Click me!” When the button is clicked, the on_button_click function is called, which changes the text displayed on the label to “Button clicked!”.

The Tk class is the main class of the Tkinter library and it creates the main window of the application. The title method sets the title of the main window and the geometry method sets the size of the main window.

The Label and Button classes are both used to create widgets that are placed inside the main window. The pack method is used to add the widgets to the main window.

The on_button_click function is the event handler for the button click event. It is called when the button is clicked.


The mainloop method is used to start the event loop of the application, which waits for user input and handles events, such as button clicks.

You can add more widgets, such as text box, checkbox, radio button and etc. to the application by creating instances of the appropriate classes and using the pack method to add them to the main window.

It’s a good idea to start with a simple application and then gradually add more functionality as you become more familiar with the library.



Run the complete code and this will be the result.

How do I build a basic GUI application in Python
How do I build a basic GUI application in Python



Learn More on TKinter GUI


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