How to Build a GUI Applications in Python

Building GUI application in Python can be great way for beginners to learn more about the language and how to create software. This is simple example of how to build GUI application using PySimpleGUI package: 

  1. First, install PySimpleGUI by running the command pip install pysimplegui in your command prompt or terminal.
  2. Next, import the necessary modules for your application. you will need to import PySimpleGUI module and any other modules that your application requires.
  3. Create layout for your application using PySimpleGUI’s various elements. for example, you might create layout with label, text input, and button.



  1. Create a window by calling the sg.Window function and passing in the layout and title of the window.



  1. Run an event loop to handle user input and updates to the GUI.



  1. Close window when the user is finished using it.



This is the complete code for Python for Beginners: How to Build a GUI Application


This is simple example and you can add more functionality and features to your application as you become more familiar with PySimpleGUI and Python. You can also use other libraries such as tkinter or PyQt which are also used to build GUI Applications.



Run the complete code and this will be the result

Python for Beginners: How to Build a GUI Application
Python for Beginners: How to Build a GUI Application



Learn More on Python GUI Development


Other Options for Building GUI Applications in Python

There are several options available for building GUI applications in Python. these are some popular choices:

  1. tkinter: tkinter is built in GUI package for Python and is included with the standard Python distribution. it is simple and easy library for creating basic GUI applications.
  2. PyQt: PyQt is set of Python bindings for the Qt framework. It is powerful library that provides different widgets and features for creating professional looking GUI applications.
  3. wxPython: wxPython is set of Python bindings for the wxWidgets library. It is cross platform library that is similar to tkinter, but with more modern look and feel.
  4. Kivy: Kivy is an open source library for creating multi touch applications. It is designed for creating games and other interactive applications.
  5. PyGTK: PyGTK is set of Python bindings for the GTK+ toolkit. GTK+ is cross platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces and PyGTK provides a way to use it from Python.
  6. PySide: PySide is set of Python bindings for the Qt library, similar to PyQt. It is good alternative to PyQt and provides different license.


These are just a few of the many options available for building GUI applications in Python. Each of these libraries has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose the one that best fits your needs and experience level.

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