Python Standard Library

In this article we want to talk about Python Standard Library, Python comes with different standard library that includes modules for performing different tasks, such as working with operating system functionality, interacting with the internet, manipulating data structures, and many more. these are some examples of commonly used modules in the Python standard library:


  1. os: This module provides a way to interact with operating system, such as reading and writing files, manipulating directories and accessing environment variables.
  2. datetime: This module provides classes for working with dates and times.
  3. random: This module provides functions for generating random numbers and selecting items from a sequence in a random order.
  4. math: This module provides access to mathematical functions like trigonometric and logarithmic functions.
  5. re: This module provides regular expression operations for searching and manipulating strings.
  6. urllib: This module provides a way to access URLs and download data from the internet.
  7. json: This module provides methods for working with JSON data.
  8. argparse: This module provides an easy way to write user friendly command line interfaces.
  9. multiprocessing: This module provides a way to run multiple processes concurrently.
  10. socket: This module provides access to low level networking functionality, and it allows you to create and interact with sockets.


These are just a few examples of Python modules that are available. there are some more modules that you can use in Python.



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