Python Tuples vs Lists

In this Python article we want to talk about Python Tuples vs Lists, Python is powerful programming language that offers many builtin data structures to store and manipulate data. most commonly used data structures are tuples and lists. both tuples and lists are used to store collections of data, they have some key differences that make them better suited for different purposes. in this article we want to compare Python tuples and lists and discuss when to use each one.



What are tuples in Python ?

Tuple is an immutable sequence of values in Python. Tuples are defined using parentheses, and the values inside the tuple are separated by commas. this is an example of tuple in Python:

Once a tuple is created its values cannot be changed. this makes tuples ideal for storing data that shouldn’t be modified such as coordinates, dates or configuration settings.



This will be the result

Python Tuples vs Lists
Python Tuples vs Lists


What are lists in Python ?

List is mutable sequence of values in Python. Lists are defined using square brackets and the values inside the list are separated by commas. this is an example of list in Python:

Lists can be modified after they are created and this makes them ideal for storing data that needs to be changed or updated frequently such as user input or database records.



This will be the result

Python Tuples vs Lists
Python Tuples vs Lists



Differences between tuples and lists

These are some of the key differences between tuples and lists in Python:

  1. Mutability: Tuples are immutable and it means that their values cannot be changed once they are created. Lists on the other hand are mutable and it means that their values can be changed or updated.
  2. Syntax: Tuples are defined using parentheses, while lists are defined using square brackets.
  3. Performance: Tuples are generally faster than lists especially when working with large amounts of data. this is because tuples are stored in memory as single block, while lists require more memory to store individual values and their pointers.
  4. Functionality: Lists have more builtin functions and methods than tuples and this makes them more versatile and easier to work with in certain situations.



When to use tuples vs lists

Now that we understand the differences between tuples and lists, let’s look at when to use each one.

Use tuples when:

  • You need to store fixed set of values that won’t be changed.
  • You want to ensure that the data cannot be modified accidentally.
  • You want to access the data faster especially if the tuple is large.

Use lists when:

  • You need to store collection of values that may change or be updated frequently.
  • You want to manipulate or sort the data.
  • You need to add or remove items from the collection.



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