How to Create UIs with Kivy and Python

In this Python and Kivy article we want to learn about How to Create UIs with Kivy and Python, so first of all let’s talk about Python Kivy, Kivy is Python framework that allows developers to create user interfaces (UIs) for desktop and mobile applications. it provides simple and easy way to create UIs using Python code, and this makes it popular choice for developers looking to create cross platform applications with modern look and feel. in this article we want to talk about creating a basic UI with Kivy and Python.



How to Create UIs with Kivy and Python

Let’s install Kivy library and you can use pip for that



After installation of Kivy, we can start creating our UI. this is a simple example that creates a window with label and button:

In the above code we have defined a MyUIApp class that extends from GridLayout class provided by Kivy. after that we have added two widgets to the layout, a Label and a Button . we also defined an on_button_press method that gets called when the button is pressed. and lastly we have defined MyApp class that extends  from the App class provided by Kivy. build method of this class returns an instance of the MyUIApp class which is used to create the UI.



Run the code and this will be the result

How to Create UIs with Kivy and Python
How to Create UIs with Kivy and Python



Kivy allows you to customize the appearance of your UI using CSS like styling. you can set attributes such as font size, color, background color and many more.


This is an example that styles the label and button from our previous example:

In the above example we have added some styling attributes to the Label and Button widgets. font_size attribute sets the font size and color and background_color attributes set the text color and background color. Note that Kivy supports different styling attributes, and it allows you to customize every aspect of your UI. you can find a full list of supported attributes in the Kivy documentation.




Run the complete code and this will be the result

How to Create UIs with Kivy and Python
How to Create UIs with Kivy and Python



Learn More on Kivy

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