How to Build Music Player in Python Kivy

In this lesson i want to show you How to Build Music Player in Python Kivy ,  Kivy is an open source library for creating multi touch applications with natural user interface (NUI) for wide selection of devices. it is written in Python and Cython and can run on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android. Kivy is often used for creating games, mobile apps and other interactive applications. it also supports different input methods such as multitouch, mouse, keyboard and others. for buildinf simple music player in Kivy, you can use the Kivy’s SoundLoader class to handle playback of audio files, and create user interface using Kivy’s widgets.


First you need to install Kivy and ffpyplayer



This is an example of basic music player application using Kivy:


This will create simple music player that plays the audio file located at “path/to/your/audio.mp3” when the “Play” button is pressed.

you can also add more functionality like pause and stop button, next and previous track button, volume control and progress bar to indicate the current position of the audio file. you can use kivy’s widgets like slider for volume control, label for track details and progressbar for displaying progress of the song.



You can also use library called kivy-garden which provides media player widget that you can use in your application, called “garden.audio_player”. You can install it by running pip install kivy-garden and use it in your kivy code like this.


This will give you more customizable music player with all the functionalities available.

Please note that you will have to run your code on device which support media player in order to play media files.



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