Python Dictionaries for Data Analysis and Visualization

In this Python Dictionaries article we are going to learn about Python Dictionaries for Data Analysis and Visualization, Python is powerful language for data analysis and visualization. and one of the key data structures in Python is dictionary, which is useful for working with data sets. dictionary is a collection of key value pairs, where each key is unique and associated with a value. Dictionaries are implemented using hash tables, which provide fast access to values based on their keys. and this makes dictionaries an efficient data structure for tasks such as counting, grouping and aggregating data.



So for creating a dictionary in Python, we can use curly braces {} and separate key value pairs with colons. this is an example of a dictionary that maps few countries to their populations.



Now we have created the dictionary, for accessing a value in dictionary, we use the key as the index. 



If you run the code this will be the result

Python Dictionaries for Data Analysis and Visualization
Python Dictionaries for Data Analysis and Visualization



Also you can iterate over Python Dictionaries, for iterating over a dictionary we can use for loop. for loop will iterate over keys and we can access the values using keys. 




Run the code and this will be the output

Python Dictionaries for Data Analysis and Visualization
Python Dictionaries for Data Analysis and Visualization



Dictionaries are useful for data analysis tasks such as counting, grouping and aggregating data. let’s look at a few examples.


Counting Occurrences of Values in a List

To count the occurrences of values in a list, we can use a dictionary to keep track of the counts. this is an example that counts the number of times each fruit appears in list:



This will be the result

Python Dictionary
Python Dictionary



Grouping Data by a Key

For grouping data by a key, we can use dictionary to store data for each key. this is an example that groups a list of students by their major:



Learn More on Python Dictionaries 

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