How to Build Flask REST API with MySQL

In this example we want to learn that How to Build Flask REST API with MySQL , This is step by step guide to build Flask REST API with CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations and a MySQL database:

  1. Set up your development environment:
    • Install Flask and Flask-RESTful
    • Install MySQL database (e.g. MySQL or MariaDB)
    • Install Python MySQL library (e.g. PyMySQL or MySQL Connector)
  2. Create a Flask application:
    • Create new directory for your project
    • Create new virtual environment and activate it
    • Install required libraries using pip
    • Create new Flask application using flask run command
  3. Connect to the MySQL database:
    • Create new database and a table for your API
    • Configure your MySQL connection in the Flask application
  4. Define your REST API routes:
    • Define four routes for CRUD operations
    • Implement the logic for each route
    • Test each route using a REST client (e.g. Postman)
  5. Deploy your API:
    • Choose web server for your API (e.g. gunicorn, uWSGI)
    • Configure your web server to run your Flask application
    • Deploy your API to a production environment (e.g. Heroku, AWS)


Note: This is high level overview, specific details will depend on your implementation.


This is an example of Flask REST API with CRUD operations and MySQL database:


  1. Set up your environment:



  1. Create Flask application:



  1. Connect to the MySQL database:




  1. Define your REST API routes:



  1. Run the API:

This is just a basic example, you may need to add error handling, authentication, and other features depending on your requirements.



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Here is the complete example in a single file


This example assumes that you have created a database mydb and a table items with the following SQL commands:



You can use the postman and you can access the routes like this

How to Build Flask REST API with MySQL
How to Build Flask REST API with MySQL

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