How to Integrate wxPython with other Python Libraries

In this wxPython article we want to learn How to Integrate wxPython with other Python Libraries, so wxPython is powerful GUI library for Python that allows you to create desktop applications with native look and feel. also wxPython provides many builtin widgets and controls, but sometimes you may need to integrate it with other Python libraries to add additional functionality to your application.



Integrating wxPython with Matplotlib

Matplotlib is popular data visualization library for Python that allows you to create charts, graphs and plots. for using Matplotlib with wxPython, you can create FigureCanvasWxAgg object, which is a widget that embeds Matplotlib figure inside wxPython frame or panel.

In this example, we have created MyFrame class that extends from wx.Frame. in the __init__ method, we creates Matplotlib figure and axis, and after that creates FigureCanvasWxAgg widget that displays the figure. and at the end we add the canvas to the frame using a sizer.



Run the code and this will be the result

How to Integrate wxPython with other Python Libraries
How to Integrate wxPython with other Libraries



Integrating wxPython with Pandas

Pandas is powerful data analysis library for Python that allows you to manipulate and analyze data in different formats including CSV, Excel SQL databases and many more. For using Pandas with wxPython, you can create wx.grid.Grid object which is a widget that displays tabular data.



Run the code and this will be the result

Integrate wxPython with other Python Libraries
Integrate wxPython with other Python Libraries



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