PyQt5 Vs wxPython – What are Difference

PyQt5 Vs wxPython – What are Difference ? PyQt5 and wxPython are both popular libraries for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with Python. They both have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them will depend on the specific needs of your project.

PyQt5 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt application framework and runs on all platforms supported by Qt including Windows, OS X, Linux, iOS, and Android. It has a large and active community, and a wide range of widgets and tools available. It also has a commercial version called PyQt5 which provides additional features and support.

wxPython, on the other hand, is a wrapper around the wxWidgets C++ library. It is also cross-platform and provides a wide range of widgets. It is known for its native look and feel on different platforms and it has a simpler and more pythonic API. It also has a smaller community and fewer resources compared to PyQt.

In terms of ease of use, PyQt5 has a steeper learning curve but is more powerful and customizable. wxPython is more Pythonic and is easier to learn and use but may be less flexible and powerful than PyQt5.

In terms of installation, PyQt5 can be installed via pip, while wxPython can be installed via pip or through binary installers.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a powerful, feature-rich and widely supported GUI toolkit with a large community and a wide range of widgets, PyQt5 is a good choice. If you’re looking for a more Pythonic, simpler and easy to learn library, then wxPython is a good choice.



How to Install PyQt5 and wxPython ?

To install PyQt5, you can use pip by running the following command in your command prompt or terminal: pip install PyQt5

To install wxPython, you can use pip by running the following command in your command prompt or terminal: pip install wxPython

Please note that wxPython also requires the wxWidgets library to be installed on your system, which can be found on the wxWidgets website.



What are the Pros and Cons of PyQt5 and wxPython?

PyQt5 and wxPython are both popular libraries for developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python. Here are some of the pros and cons of each:

PyQt5: Pros:

  • Has a large user base and a lot of online resources available
  • Has a wide range of widgets and features for building advanced GUI applications
  • Has a good set of tools for developing both desktop and mobile applications
  • Has a commercial version (PyQt5 Commercial) that provides additional features and support


  • Can be more complex to use and learn than other GUI libraries
  • Can be more expensive than other libraries if you want to use the commercial version



wxPython: Pros:

  • Has a simpler API and is easier to learn than PyQt5
  • Has a large user base and a lot of online resources available
  • Has a good set of tools for developing both desktop and mobile applications


  • Has a smaller widget set than PyQt5 and is not suitable for building as advanced GUI applications
  • Has a less active development community than PyQt5
  • May not have as good support for newer technologies and platforms

In general, PyQt5 is a more powerful and feature-rich library than wxPython, but it also has a steeper learning curve. If you’re new to GUI development, wxPython might be a better choice, but if you’re looking for more advanced features and more flexibility, PyQt5 is a better choice.



Basic Example on PyQt5 and wxPython

To install PyQt5, you can use the pip package manager by running the command pip install PyQt5. To install wxPython, you can use pip by running the command pip install -U wxPython.

One of the main pros of PyQt5 is that it is a cross-platform GUI toolkit, which means it can run on Windows, Mac, and Linux. It also has a large user community and a lot of documentation and examples available online. Additionally, PyQt5 has a large set of widgets and classes that you can use to create your GUI application.

One of the main pros of wxPython is that it is also cross-platform, but it is known for its native look and feel on each platform. It also has a large set of widgets and classes that you can use to create your GUI application.

One con of PyQt5 is that it is not free for commercial use and requires a commercial license. One con of wxPython is that it has a slightly steeper learning curve than PyQt5, and there are not as many examples and tutorials available online.


Here is a basic example of creating a window using PyQt5:



And here is a basic example of creating a window using wxPython:


The main difference in the syntax is that PyQt5 uses the QApplication and QWidget classes for creating the application and main window, while wxPython uses the wx.App and wx.Frame classes for the same purpose. Also for execution PyQt5 uses app.exec_() and wxPython uses app.MainLoop()



Run the code and this will be result for wxPython window.

PyQt5 Vs wxPython - What are Difference
PyQt5 Vs wxPython – What are Difference



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