Python Tokens and Character Sets

In this lesson we want to learn about Python Tokens and Character Sets, Python is high level, interpreted programming language. it was created in 1980s by Guido van Rossum and was first released in 1991. Python is known for its clear and simple syntax, and it makes it easy to read and write. it is dynamically typed, it means that you don’t need to declare the data type of variable before using it, and supports multiple programming paradigms, including object oriented, procedural and functional programming. Python is widely used in different applications including web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence and more. it is also popular language for beginners due to its simplicity and readability, making it a great choice for educational purposes.




Python Tokens and Character Sets

In the context of Python programming language tokens are the basic building blocks of  Python program. Tokens are categorized into six types: keywords, identifiers, literals, operators, punctuation and special characters.

character set is a collection of characters used in specific programming language or context. In Python, there are several character sets available, including ASCII, Unicode and raw strings. ASCII is character encoding standard for electronic communication, while Unicode is a widely used character set that includes characters from most written languages. Raw strings are strings that retain the exact format of characters, including escape characters, and are used in regular expressions and file paths.



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