PyQt5 Tutorials
About Lesson

In this Python PyQt5 lesson we are going to learn about Python PyQt5 QHBoxLayout, basically there are different types of layout management that you can use in PyQt5.we have QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout and QGridLayout. particularly in this lesson we are talking about HBoxLayout, so by using hboxlayout  you can align your widgets horizontally. we create our layout in two ways, the first way is that we can do by coding and the second way is by using Qt Designer



PyQt5 QHBoxLayout by Coding 

First we need to import our required classes and the important one is our QHBoxLayout, using QHBoxLayout class we can align our widgets horizontally.



These are used for creating title, icon and the geometry of the window, basically the geometry of the window is the x,y position, width and height of the window.



This is the code that we have created our QHBoxLayout object.



We are going to add four QPushButton in our HBoxLayout, first you need to create the object of QPushButton.


After creating of your buttons, you need to add the buttons in HBoxLayout. you can use addWidget() method. 



Now you need to set the layout for the main window, if you don’t do this you will not see any widgets in your window.


This is the complete code for How to Create HBoxLayout in PyQt5

Run the complete code and this is the result

PyQt5 HBoxLayout
PyQt5 HBoxLayout


PyQt5 HBoxLayout By Qt Designer

Now we want to create our layout using Qt Designer , so you need to open your Qt Designer, you can write pyqt5designer in your terminal, after opening create a new Widget window. and add four QPushButton, after that select all buttons and right click on them choose Layout and Layout Horizontally.

Qt Designer HBoxLayout
Qt Designer HBoxLayout

After doing this, your all widgets will be aligned horizontally, also you need to do the same for the window, right click on the window and choose layout vertically, save your ui file, iam going to call it hboxlayout.ui , and copy the file in your working directory.


Now we are going to load our ui file. make a new python file and call it we are going to use uic module for loading our ui file.




Run the python code and this is the result.

How to Create HBoxLayout in PyQt5
How to Create HBoxLayout in PyQt5