How to Create Custom Dialogs in Python PyQt6

In this Python PyQt6 article we are going to learn about How to Create Custom Dialogs in Python PyQt6, so PyQt6 is powerful and popular Python library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). and in this article we want to learn about How to Create Custom Dialogs in Python PyQt6.


You can install PyQt6 using pip command 



This is the complete code for this article



In this above code first of the necessary modules are imported including QApplication, QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QLineEdit and QPushButton.



After that new class called CustomDialog is defined, which inherits from QDialog. in the constructor for this class, the dialog’s window title and dimensions are set, and new QVBoxLayout instance is created to hold the dialog widgets.



In here new QLabel instance is created to display instructions to the user and added to the layout. QLineEdit instance is also created to allow the user to input text and added to the layout. and finally QPushButton instance is created to submit user input, and a clicked signal is connected to a new submit method, which retrieves the user’s input and prints it to the console.




And finally in the __main__ block new QApplication instance is created and an instance of the custom dialog is created and shown using the exec() method. the application event loop is then started with app.exec().




Run your complete code and this is the result

How to Create Custom Dialogs in Python PyQt6
How to Create Custom Dialogs in Python PyQt6




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