How to Send Message to Instagram with Python & Instabot

In this lesson we want to learn How to Send Message to Instagram with Python & Instabot. so first of all let’s talk that what is a bot ? because in this lesson we want to use Instabot library.


What is Bot ?

A “bot” is type of software application that is designed to automate tasks, typically by interacting with other online services through APIs. In the context of social media a bot might be used to automate actions such as liking posts, following users or commenting on posts. the goal of a social media bot can vary widely depending on the specific use case. some bots are used for marketing purposes while others are used to gather data, automate tedious tasks or to create art. It’s important to note that using bots on social media platforms is often against the terms of use and can result in penalties or account bans.



What is Instabot ?

Instabot is Python module that provides simple way to automate different actions on the Instagram platform, such as liking, commenting, following and unfollowing. the module is built on top of the requests library, which makes it easy to send HTTP requests and interact with the Instagram API.

Instabot is commonly used for creating Instagram bots which are automated scripts that perform different tasks on the platform. these bots can be used for various purposes such as increasing followers, automating likes and comments and growing an Instagram account.

Please keep in mind that using Instagram bots is against the platform’s terms of service, and your account may be suspended if you use Instabot or any other Instagram automation tool. use it at your own risk. You will need to install the InstaBot library in your Python environment. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt: pip install instabot




How to Send Message to Instagram with Python & Instabot

Sending message on Instagram using the instabot module in Python is a two-step process:

  1. Login to Instagram: You will need to use the Bot class in the instabot module to log in to your Instagram account. you will need to provide your username and password to log in.
  2. Send a message: Once you are logged in you can use the send_message method of the Bot class to send a message to user. you will need to provide the recipient’s username and the message you want to send.



This is an example code to send message using the instabot module:


Note: Please keep in mind that sending automated messages on Instagram can be against the platform’s terms of service, and your account may be suspended if you use the instabot module to send messages. Use it at your own risk.




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