How to Build Web Applications with Python PyQt5

In this Python PyQt5 article we are going to learn about How to Build Web Applications with Python PyQt5, PyQt5 is Python library that provides bindings for the Qt framework, it allows you to build desktop and web applications using Python. in this article we will focus on building web applications with PyQt5.




How to Build Web Applications with Python PyQt5

First of all we need to install PyQt5 and we can use pip for that 



We’ll also need the QtWebEngineWidgets module, which provides the web engine that we’ll use to display web content. you can install it like this.



Let’s start by creating simple web application that displays webpage. this is the code:

In the above code we have created QMainWindow object that displays QWebEngineView widget. We set the URL for the widget to be and lastly we show the main window and run the application.



Run the code and this will be result

How to Build Web Applications with Python PyQt5
How to Build Web Applications with Python PyQt5



Handling JavaScript

Now let’s take a look that how to handle JavaScript in web application. this is an example that demonstrates how to handle user input in a web application using JavaScript:

In this example we have created WebApplication class that inherits from the QMainWindow class. we have set the window title and geometry, after that we creates QWebEngineView object, set its URL to GeeksCoders homepage and set the central widget of the main window to the web browser widget.




Run the code and this will be the result

How to Build Web Applications with Python PyQt5
How to Build Web Applications with Python



So In this article we have seen that how to use PyQt5 to build web applications. we have started by setting up our environment and creating simple web application that displays a webpage. after that we have learned how to handle JavaScript in web application using PyQt5. 



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