How to Load UI File in Python PySide6

In this lesson we want to learn How to Load UI File in Python PySide6, we already have talked about PySide6 that PySide6 is a powerful GUI toolkit that makes it easy to develop graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python. One of the features that makes PySide6 so versatile is the ability to design your UI using PySide6 Designer and then load it into your Python code. In this lesson, we will show you how to loading a UI file created in PySide6 Designer into your PySide6 application.



Step 1: Create a UI File in PySide6 Designer

The first step is to create a UI file using PySide6 Designer. If you’re not familiar with PySide6 Designer, you can learn more about it in our previous blog post on Introduction to PySide6 Designer.

Once you’ve created your UI file, save it with a .ui extension, this our design we have just two QLineEdit with two QLabel and a QPushButton.

 How to Load UI File in Python PySide6
How to Load UI File in Python PySide6




Step 2: Load the UI File in Your PySide6 Application

Once you’ve created your UI file, you can load it into your PySide6 application using the loadUi method.

In this example, we have created an instance of QUiLoader, which is responsible for loading the UI file. After that we creates an instance of QFile for our UI file, and open it in read-only mode.

We then call the load method of the QUiLoader instance, passing in the file and the main window of our PySide6 application. This will load the UI file into our main window.

Finally, we call the show method on our main window and start the PySide6 event loop using app.exec.



Run the complete code and this will be the result.

 How to Load UI File in Python PySide6
How to Load UI File in Python PySide6



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Final Thoughts

In this article, we have learned how to load a UI file created in PySide6 Designer into your PySide6 application. By separating your UI design from your Python code, you can create more modular and maintainable GUI applications. With PySide6, it’s easy to create powerful and intuitive GUIs that your users will love.

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