How to Use Designer in Python PySide6

In this article we want to learn How to Use Designer in Python PySide6, PySide6 Designer is  visual editor for creating user interfaces with PySide6. It allows you to design and lay out graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using a drag-and-drop interface, and generate Python code that you can use to create your GUI applications. In this lesson, we are going to introduce PySide6 Designer and show you how to create a simple user interface.



These are step by step instruction that how you can use Designer in PySide6.


Step 1: Install PySide6

Before we can use PySide6 Designer we need to install the PySide6 module. we can install it using pip, we already have installed PySide6.



Step 2: Launch PySide6 Designer

Once PySide6 is installed, you can launch PySide6 Designer by running the designer command in your terminal or command prompt, make sure that you have already added the designer path as environmental variable, also you can directly find PySide6 designer in your installed PySide6 directory, you need to just go to the site-packages, after that PySide6 folder and in their you have designer.exe.

How to Use Designer in Python PySide6
How to Use Designer in Python PySide6




Step 3: Create a New User Interface

for creating new user interface we need to click on “File” in the menu bar and select “New Form”. This will open a dialog box where we can select the type of form we want to create. select “Main Window” and click “Create”.



Step 4: Design Your User Interface

After creating new user interface, we can use tools and widgets in toolbar to design our GUI applications. we can drag and drop widgets in the form and use the properties editor for customizing the properties such as the text, font, and size.

PySide6 Designer
PySide6 Designer



Step 5: Generate Python Code

After you have designed your user interface, you can generate Python code that you can use it  for creating your GUI application. for generating the code, click on “File” in the menu bar and select “Save As”. Choose a file name and location for your UI file and save it as a .ui file, for example in our designer we have just added some QLabel.

How to Use Designer in Python PySide6
How to Use Designer in Python PySide6



Step 6: Use the Generated Code in Your Application

For using generated code in application, you need to convert the .ui file to a Python file by using the pyside6-uic command. this command generates python file that contains a class for your user interface.

In this example, myui.ui is the name of the .ui file that you saved, and is the name of the Python module that will be generated.



To use the generated Python code in your application, import the module and create an instance of the generated class:

In this example, Ui_MainWindow is the name of the generated class for the main window in our user interface.



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Final Thoughts

In this article, we have introduced PySide6 Designer and showed how to create a simple user interface using the drag and drop interface. we also have learned how to generate python code from your user interface and use it in your PySide6 application. With PySide6 Designer you can quickly and easily creates graphical user interfaces for your applications, even if you have little or no experience with GUI programming.

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