How to Integrate Python Flask with PyQt5

In this PyQt5 and Python Flask article we want to learn How to Integrate Python Flask with PyQt5, Flask is micro web framework in Python, while PyQt5 is Python binding of the Qt toolkit, which is powerful graphical user interface (GUI) framework. integrating Flask with PyQt5 can allow you to create web based applications with graphical user interface.



How to Integrate Python Flask with PyQt5

First of all we need to install the required libraries which is Flask and PyQt5.



We also need the QtWebEngineWidgets module which provides the web engine that we want to use to display web content, so PyQtWebEngine is set of Python bindings for Qt Company’s Qt WebEngine framework. framework provides the ability to embed web content in applications and is based on the Chrome browser. The bindings sit on top of PyQt5 and are implemented as three separate modules corresponding to the different libraries that make up the framework. you can install it like this



This is the complete code for How to Integrate Flask with PyQt5, name the file



This is our index.html

This code sets up basic Flask application with SocketIO server that sends and receives messages. it also creates PyQt5 application that loads the Flask application in  QWebEngineView and shows it in a window. when the Flask application is opened in web browser and the PyQt5 application is started, they will communicate with each other via  QWebChannel and SocketIO.




Run the code and this will be the result

How to Integrate Python Flask with PyQt5
How to Integrate Python Flask with PyQt5



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