Qt Designer Tool in Python PyQt6

In this Python PyQt6 article we want to talk about Qt Designer Tool in Python PyQt6, Qt Designer is powerful tool for creating user interfaces in PyQt6, one of the most popular Python GUI frameworks. with Qt Designer you can visually design and lay out your user interface using drag and drop interface without writing any code. in this article we want explore some of the key features of Qt Designer and how to use it to create user interfaces for your Python applications.



Qt Designer Tool in Python PyQt6

First of all you need to install PyQt6



By default we don’t have Qt Designer in PyQt6, we need to install PyQt6 Tools.



After installation you can find Qt Designer in qt6_applications folder.

Qt Designer Tool in Python PyQt6
Qt Designer Tool in Python PyQt6




Let’s create simple user interface using Qt Designer. we want to create a window with label and button. start by dragging QWidget widget onto the window. this will be main window of our application. after that drag QLabel and QPushButton widget onto the main window. position and resize the widgets as desired.

Qt Designer Tool in Python PyQt6
Qt Designer Tool in Python PyQt6



When you are done, save your user interface to a file with .ui extension. after that you can use uic module in PyQt6 to convert the .ui file to Python code that you can use in your application.



After that the ui file will be converted to py, and this will be the converted code




Run the code and this is the result

Qt Designer Tool in Python PyQt6
Qt Designer Tool in Python PyQt6




In this article we have explored some of the key features of Qt Designer and how to use it to create user interfaces for your Python applications. with Qt Designer you can create complex user interfaces using drag and drop interface without writing any code. after that you can convert your user interface to Python code using the uic module and connect your widgets to Python code using the connect() method. with these tools you can create powerful and flexible user interfaces for your Python applications.



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